The San Nicolás Public Space Strategy aims to improve the quality and use of public spaces in San Nicolás de los Garza. This strategy consists of five interrelated components: analysis, participatory processes, public space strategies and tools, plus tactical urbanism.

November 16, 2023

The analysis component develops a comprehensive assessment of the existing public spaces in San Nicolás, based on five fundamental dimensions: uses and users, accessibility, facilities and equipment, safety and security, and the environment. The participation component focuses on involving the community in the decision-making process. Public consultations, surveys and meetings were held to gather the opinions and desires of the residents to define the values of the public space in San Nicolás.

The strategy itself is based on the information gathered during the community analysis and participation.

It sets out short-, medium- and long-term objectives and establishes guidelines for the development and management of public spaces. The Public Space Toolkit is a set of practical resources to support the implementation of the strategy. It includes urban design guidelines that are adaptable and replicable to the universe of public space typologies in San Nicolás and recommendations for programming events and activities in public spaces.

Finally, the Tactical Urbanism Plan will be used to test solutions before permanent changes are made and to encourage the active participation of the community in the transformation of their environment.

Overall, the San Nicolás Public Space Strategy aims to create a more vibrant, inclusive, and functional urban environment by involving the community in all stages of the process and using creative approaches such as tactical urbanism to achieve significant improvements to the public realm.

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